1. Well-being and positive relations:
- Concept of well being: general term for the condition of an individual or group, for example their social, economic, psychological, spiritual or medical state; a high level of well-being means in some sense the individual or group's condition is positive, while low well-being is associated with negative happenings.
- Concept of positive interpersonal relationships: a strong, deep, or close association or acquaintance between two or more people that may range in duration from brief to enduring. This association may be based on inference, love, solidarity, regular business interactions, or some other type of social commitment.
- Relationship between the concepts above: if any person has positive interpersonal relationships, he or she would have a well being, because if you have good friends, and good influences in life, you will be healthy, and responsible, and caring.
- Effects of good interpersonal relations: have a well being, have good friend, that will guide you through the rightway in life.
- Effects of bad interpersonal relations: if you have friends or relationships that lead you through the wrong way and into doing wrong thing or choices, then you coul not have a high level of well being.
- Recommendations and strategies: look for good relationships, friends or other relationships that you might have, make sure that they are trustables, and that they won´t make you do wrong things or choices in life.
2. Values: basic foundation for dignity among interpersonal relationships.
- Human dignity definition: an individual or group´s sense of self-respect and self-worth, physical and phychological integrity and empowerment.
- How does human dignity reflects on healthy interpersonal relationships? human dignity reflects as respect of both people int he relationship.
- Must-be- Values in a positive interpersonal relationship (explain and justify answer): in a positive interpersonal
- Strategies to develop relations based on values and respect (specially for teenagers): accept differences, listen to one another, give people your time, trust each other, be empathic.
3. Personal Decisions: the power of defining my relations.
- Characteristics of healthy interpersonal relations: playful with each other, think that the other has good ideas, think abouth each other when not together, trustworthy, mutual support,
- Characteristics of emotionally unhealthy relations: feel pressure to change who you are, lack of privacy, control or manipulate each other, do not make time to spend with one another, feel worried when you disagree.
- How to set boundaries: tools, personal and emotional resources for the improvement of interpersonal relationships. (Freedom) Include definition of personal freedom, free will, decision making; describe and explain personal resources that must be posses to determined if something can hurt us or if it limits a interpersonal relationship. Strategies to develop and should be ad hoc to teenagers: trust each other, be who you are, personal freedom: freedom of the person in going and coming, equality before the courts, security of private property,freedom of opinion and its expression, and freedom of conscience subject to the rightsd of others and of the public, free will: free and independent choice, voluntary decision, decision making: cognitive process resulting in the selection of a belief or a course of action among several alternative possibilities, before making a decision think ahead, think in the future and if that decision will be right or wrong, if it will be helpful, possitive and will help you to be better.
4. Empathy : I matter and others do too.
- Definition of Empathy and its importance in positive interpersonal relations: the feeling that you understand and share another person´s experiences and emotions.
- Effective communication: what it is, how to communicate and dialogue
with others in an assertive way (define assertive) and resilient (define resilient). Strategies to develop should be ad hoc to teenagers: two way information sharing process which involves one party sending a message that is easily understood by the receiving party, assertive: confidently aggressive or self- assured, resilient: springing back, rebounding, communicate with your friends.